Auth0 provider documentation
Feature/OIDC support
❌ Nonce
✅ State
✅ Access Token validation
❌ ID Token validation
Provider specific parameters
Additional parameters to be used in additionalAuthParameters
, additionalTokenParameters
or additionalLogoutParameters
Option | Type | Default | Description |
connection | string | - | Optional. Forces the user to sign in with a specific connection. For example, you can pass a value of github to send the user directly to GitHub to log in with their GitHub account. When not specified, the user sees the Auth0 Lock screen with all configured connections. You can see a list of your configured connections on the Connections tab of your application. |
organization | string | - | Optional. ID of the organization to use when authenticating a user. When not provided, if your application is configured to Display Organization Prompt, the user will be able to enter the organization name when authenticating. |
invitation | string | - | Optional. Ticket ID of the organization invitation. When inviting a member to an Organization, your application should handle invitation acceptance by forwarding the invitation and organization key-value pairs when the user accepts the invitation. |
loginHint | string | - | Optional. Populates the username/email field for the login or signup page when redirecting to Auth0. Supported by the Universal Login experience. |
audience | string | - | Optional. The unique identifier of the API your web app wants to access. |
Depending on the settings of your apps Credentials
tab, set authenticationScheme
to body
for 'Client Secret (Post)', set to header
for 'Client Secret (Basic)', set to ''
for 'None'
Example Configuration
Never store sensitive values like your client secret in your Nuxt config. Our recommendation is to inject at least client id and client secret via. environment variables.
auth0: {
audience: 'test-api-oidc', // In case you need access to an API registered in Auth0
redirectUri: 'http://localhost:3000/auth/auth0/callback',
baseUrl: '', // For example or leave blank for environment
clientId: '', // Leave blank to use environment variable
clientSecret: '', // Leave blank to use environment variable
scope: ['openid', 'offline_access', 'profile', 'email'],
additionalTokenParameters: { // In case you need access to an API registered in Auth0
audience: 'test-api-oidc',
additionalAuthParameters: { // In case you need access to an API registered in Auth0
audience: 'test-api-oidc',
Make sure these grants are enabled in Auth0:
Auth0 grant config

Environment variables
Dotenv files are only for (local) development. Use a proper configuration management or injection system in production.