AWS Cognito
Feature/OIDC support
✅ Nonce
✅ State
❌ Access Token validation
❌ ID Token validation
AWS Congito doesn't correctly implement the OAuth 2 standard and doesn't provide a aud
field for the audience. Therefore it is not possible to verify the access or id token.
For AWS Cognito you have to provide at least the baseUrl
, clientId
, clientSecret
and logoutRedirectUri
properties. The baseUrl
is used to dynamically create the authorizationUrl
, tokenUrl
, logoutUrl
and userInfoUrl
The only supported OAuth grant type is Authorization code grant
The final url should look something like this
You will also encounter an error, if you have not correctly registered the redirectUri
under "Allowed callback URLs" or the logoutRedirectUri
under "Allowed sign-out URLs".
If you need additional scopes, specify them in the scope
property in you nuxt config like scope: ['openid', 'email', 'profile'],
Example Configuration
cognito: {
clientId: '',
redirectUri: 'http://localhost:3000/auth/cognito/callback',
clientSecret: '',
scope: ['openid', 'email', 'profile'],
logoutRedirectUri: '',
baseUrl: '',
exposeIdToken: true, // This is necessary to validate the logout redirect. If you don't need the ID token and don't use a logout redirect, set this to false.
Environment variables
Dotenv files are only for (local) development. Use a proper configuration management or injection system in production.