Entra ID
Feature/OIDC support
✅ Nonce
✅ State
⚠️ Access Token validation (Supported, but disabled as only possible for custom audience tokens)
✅ ID Token validation
This provider is specifically preconfigured to be used with Entra ID or Entra External ID (successor of Azure AD B2C). If you just need a social login using a Microsoft Account, use the Microsoft provider, which provides a simplified version for social login.
If you are requesting a token for an application registered in Entra ID (for example an API), you need to set the resource to the id of that app registration. You should also set the audience to that ID, so the token can be correctly validated.
You should also consider setting the userInfoUrl
to https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me
if you are just requesting permission scopes for Graph API. This endpoint will not work for custom APIs/App registrations.
Provider specific parameters
Additional parameters to be used in additionalAuthParameters
, additionalTokenParameters
or additionalLogoutParameters
Option | Type | Default | Description |
resource | string | - | Optional. The resource identifier for the requested resource. |
audience | string | - | Optional. The audience for the token, typically the client ID. |
prompt | string | - | Optional. Indicates the type of user interaction that is required. Valid values are login , none , consent , and select_account . |
loginHint | string | - | Optional. You can use this parameter to pre-fill the username and email address field of the sign-in page for the user. Apps can use this parameter during reauthentication, after already extracting the login_hint optional claim from an earlier sign-in. |
logoutHint | string | - | Optional. Enables sign-out to occur without prompting the user to select an account. To use logout_hint, enable the login_hint optional claim in your client application and use the value of the login_hint optional claim as the logout_hint parameter. |
domainHint | string | - | Optional. If included, the app skips the email-based discovery process that user goes through on the sign-in page, leading to a slightly more streamlined user experience. |
If you want to validate access tokens from Microsoft Entra ID (previously Azure AD), you need to make sure that the scope includes your own API. You have to register an API first and expose some scopes to your App Registration that you want to request. If you only have GraphAPI entries like openid
, mail
GraphAPI specific ones in your scope, the returned access token cannot and should not be verified. If the scope is set correctly, you can set validateAccessToken
option to true
If you use this module with Entra External ID (previously Entra ID for Customers) make sure you have set the audience
config field to your application id, otherwise it will not be possible to get a valid OpenID Connect well-known configuration and thereby verify the JWT token.
Example Configuration
entra: {
redirectUri: 'http://localhost:3000/auth/entra/callback',
clientId: '',
clientSecret: '',
authorizationUrl: 'https://login.microsoftonline.com/{TENANT_ID}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize', // For Entra External ID, use https://TENANT_NAME.ciamlogin.com/TENANT_ID/oauth2/authorize
tokenUrl: 'https://login.microsoftonline.com/{TENANT_ID}/oauth2/v2.0/token', // For Entra External ID, use https://TENANT_NAME.ciamlogin.com/TENANT_ID/oauth2/token
userNameClaim: 'unique_name',
nonce: true,
responseType: 'code id_token',
scope: ['profile', 'openid', 'offline_access', 'email'],
logoutUrl: 'https://login.microsoftonline.com/TENANT_ID/oauth2/logout', // For Entra External ID, use https://TENANT_NAME.ciamlogin.com/TENANT_ID/oauth2/logout
optionalClaims: ['unique_name', 'family_name', 'given_name', 'login_hint'],
audience: '', // In case you need access to an App/API registered in Entra ID
additionalAuthParameters: {
resource: '', // Needs to match the audience
prompt: 'select_account', // 'login' | 'none' | 'consent' | 'select_account'
additionalLogoutParameters: {
logoutHint: '', // Enables sign-out to occur without prompting the user to select an account. Remove if you don't need this or don't have requested the `login_hint` claim
allowedClientAuthParameters: [
'test', // Can be used with the `login` composable function to provide additional parameters for example a locale for i18n
validateAccessToken: true,
userInfoUrl: 'https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me', // Set only if you are sure, you are requesting a Graph API token. This endpoint will not work for custom APIs/App registrations.
Environment variables
Dotenv files are only for (local) development. Use a proper configuration management or injection system in production.
NUXT_OIDC_PROVIDERS_ENTRA_AUDIENCE=AUDIENCE # In case you need access to an App/API registered in Entra ID
NUXT_OIDC_PROVIDERS_ENTRA_AUTHORIZATION_URL=https://login.microsoftonline.com/TENANT_ID/oauth2/authorize # For Entra External ID, use https://TENANT_NAME.ciamlogin.com/TENANT_ID/oauth2/authorize
NUXT_OIDC_PROVIDERS_ENTRA_TOKEN_URL=https://login.microsoftonline.com/TENANT_ID/oauth2/token # For Entra External ID, use https://TENANT_NAME.ciamlogin.com/TENANT_ID/oauth2/token
NUXT_OIDC_PROVIDERS_ENTRA_LOGOUT_URL=https://login.microsoftonline.com/TENANT_ID/oauth2/logout # For Entra External ID, use https://TENANT_NAME.ciamlogin.com/TENANT_ID/oauth2/logout
NUXT_OIDC_PROVIDERS_ENTRA_VALIDATE_ACCESS_TOKEN=true # Adjust based on if you are requesting a custom or a Graph API token. Graph API tokens cannot be decoded and thereby not validated.