Generic OIDC (advanced)
Generic OIDC provider documentation
This is a generic OIDC provider that doesn't provide any preconfiguration or helpers to automatically generate URL. If your provider is not listed, you should be able to configure it with this provider.
This is the generic providers default configuration:
const defaults: Partial<OidcProviderConfig> = {
clientId: '',
redirectUri: '',
clientSecret: '',
authorizationUrl: '',
tokenUrl: '',
responseType: 'code',
authenticationScheme: 'header',
grantType: 'authorization_code',
pkce: false,
state: true,
nonce: false,
scope: ['openid'],
scopeInTokenRequest: false,
tokenRequestType: 'form',
requiredProperties: [
validateAccessToken: true,
validateIdToken: true,
skipAccessTokenParsing: false,
exposeAccessToken: false,
exposeIdToken: false,
callbackRedirectUrl: '/',
allowedClientAuthParameters: undefined,
logoutUrl: '',
sessionConfiguration: undefined,
additionalAuthParameters: undefined,
additionalTokenParameters: undefined,
additionalLogoutParameters: undefined,
excludeOfflineScopeFromTokenRequest: false,
Example Configuration
Never store sensitive values like your client secret in your Nuxt config. Our recommendation is to inject at least client id and client secret via. environment variables.
oidc: {
clientId: '',
clientSecret: '',
responseType: 'code id_token',
validateAccessToken: false,
validateIdToken: false,
skipAccessTokenParsing: true,
state: true,
nonce: true,
pkce: true,
tokenRequestType: 'form-urlencoded',
scope: ['openid', 'email'],
authorizationUrl: '',
tokenUrl: '',
userInfoUrl: '',
redirectUri: '',
Environment variables
Dotenv files are only for (local) development. Use a proper configuration management or injection system in production.