Server Utils


Nuxt middleware integration


This module can automatically add a global middleware to your Nuxt server. You can enable it by setting globalMiddlewareEnabled under the middleware section of the config. The middleware automatically redirects all requests to /auth/login if the user is not logged in. You can disable this behavior by setting redirect to false in the middleware configuration. The /auth/login route is only configured if you have defined a default provider. If you want to use a custom login page and keep your default provider or don't want to set a default provider at all, you can set customLoginPage to true in the middleware configuration.

If you set customLoginPage to true, you have to manually add a login page to your Nuxt app under /auth/login. You can use the login method from the useOidcAuth composable to redirect the user to the respective provider login page. Setting customLoginPage to true will also disable the /auth/logout route. You have to manually add a logout page to your Nuxt app under /auth/logout and use the logout method from the useOidcAuth composable to logout the user or make sure that you always provide the optional provider parameter to the logout method.

<script setup>
const { logout, currentProvider } = useOidcAuth()

  <button @click="logout(currentProvider)">
Everything under the /auth path is not protected by the global middleware. Make sure to not use this path for any other purpose than authentication.

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